
Olympic Champion: From Gold Medals to Cancer Survivor

Nov 18, 2024
Shannon Miller

Olympic Champion: From Gold Medals to Cancer Survivor

What can an Olympic gold medalist teach us about facing cancer with resilience and grace? In

this powerful episode, Shannon Miller, one of America's most decorated gymnasts, shares her

journey from Olympic glory to battling a rare form of ovarian cancer. Her story reveals how the

discipline and determination that earned her Olympic medals helped her face her biggest

challenge yet, while learning valuable lessons about humility, surrender, and choosing joy.

Key points discussed:

  • Shannon's unexpected diagnosis and the importance of regular check-ups
  • The critical moment when she almost canceled the appointment that led to her cancer discovery
  • How being a solo achiever transformed into embracing teamwork during cancer treatment
  • Navigating life with a 15-month-old while fighting the disease
  • Why you can't "outwork" cancer
  • Shannon's husband's quiet strength through a challenging year
  • The transformative lesson of "choosing joy" even in life's toughest moments
  • Why asking for help is a sign of courage, not weakness
  • The importance of giving yourself grace during recovery
  • The unexpected gift of learning to pause and appreciate life's moments

Ovarian cancer

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